Wednesday 22 January 2014

Week 1 artist: Casper Henderson.

Casper Henderson
From 'The Book of Barely Imagined Beings'

In 1957, Jorge Luis Borges published 'The Book of Imaginary Beings', “a handbook of the strange creatures conceived through time and space by the human imagination". In response to this, Casper Henderson wrote and illustrated 'The Book of Barely Imagined Beings', full of illustrations and descriptions in true Medieval bestiary style, only all the animals Henderson presents in the book are real. I think it is a wonderful idea to present these creatures as being almost mythic; showing that we don't need mythology and legend to be exposed to extraordinary beings. The intricate and fantastical illustrations single out the unusual beasts by colouring them red; identifying them in the busy compositions and giving them prominence like a spotlight being shone onto something we never realized was special before.

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