Sunday 2 March 2014

Project review and Action Plan.

I am currently experimenting with different watercolour techniques and styles to depict various animal species. So far in the unit I have experimented with graphite, biro, fineliner, colour pencil, drawing on silk, mono printing, digital and watercolour.
With my influences from vibrant medieval illuminations I feel that the monochromatic techniques I have worked with- biro, graphite, fineliner and monoprint do not work well by themselves as the main appeal for me in the artworks I have studied were the beautiful jewel-colours.
So far in the unit I have been doing a lot of painting with watercolours. I like the variety and intensity of colour you are able to achieve thorough mixing paints and the subtle detail and texture you have to ability to build up through several layers. I also like how easy it is to combine with other media, such as ink, fineliner and colour pencils.
In my work I think I have strengths in my subject matter, the idea of creating my own modern bestiary is inspiring and exciting so I have a lot of motivation for the project; this is back up by a decent wealth of research work and collection of images to work from which allow me to create well-informed and detailed pieces. I am pleased with how I am working with my cosen media of watercolours and mixed media; I think I still need to further explore the potentials of the media but I am reasonably confident working with them and think that hopefully I can achive my visions with my selected materials.
I need to work on the possible presentation of my pieces; so far my pieces have been largely experimental and don't have any appeal as finished pieces. I need to work out on some possible layouts; combining the bold medieval inspired backgrounds, borders and gold accents with more detailed, observed illustrations of animals. I need to do some further experimentation with watercolours and the different ways I can enhance the flat, fluid paintings with other media. It is important for me to do further research into the individual stories inside the medieval bestiaries and to choose a selection of 3-5 animals I wish to focus my more refined work on. Once this has been done I should also take steps to getting some primary source images of these animals to work from; from taxidermy exhibits in museums, farms/zoos, in nature or of pets.

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